Fibromyalgia: Show Me Where It Hurts

Fibromyalgia: Show Me Where It Hurts juxtaposes the extraordinary human suffering that patients must endure, with the scientific journey to develop effective diagnostic tools and therapies. Patients discuss their struggle with Fibromyalgia, and researchers tell of the hope that fascinating new brain imaging technology has given them in their search for effective treatments. A novel pharmaceutical drug therapy also is discussed, along with graphic proof of its effectiveness.

The DVD Includes:
Patient interviews and frequently asked questions
Fibromyalgia facts and doctor commentary
Explanation of causes and symptoms
Dramatized workings of the central nervous system
Latest research findings from noted Fibromyalgia specialists
Treatment and lifestyle techniques
Patient resources
Run time 37 minutes

Now Available With Free Shipping... for a limited time!
This important and highly acclaimed documentary has been in demand and ProHealth's is honored to make it available for purchase. We have limited number of copies on hand so purchases are on a first come, first serve basis. To purchase your very own copy, please act now by visiting us at our online store at or by calling 800-366-6056 M-F, 6-5 Pacific Time.
*Free Shipping offer expires 3/31/07